The Gazprom website is designed in such a way to be easy to read and understand for everyone. We constantly upgrade and improve it. We do our best to provide our visitors with access to what they exactly need without redundant efforts. The information on this website is continuously updated to reflect the latest developments. You may use our content, including high-resolution photographs, at your own discretion with attribution to the source.
The menu item of a section you are visiting is highlighted to define your location at any time. The section names are unique and clearly-worded.
The website content is filled with hyperlinks that allow getting more detailed information on a matter of interest. Hyperlinks are always underlined in order to be noticed at a glance. The visited hyperlinks are highlighted, so you can identify new materials even without reading a text.
To the extent possible, information is stored in such a way that the address indicates on what page you are, the corresponding sections it belongs to and how to get to another section. In most cases, it is possible to go up a level by erasing the last section name in the URL bar.
We try to avoid long constructions and abbreviations. If an abbreviation is vital, it is explained in brackets when used for the first time. In our glossary you can find a list of the most frequently used abbreviations.
Fonts and colors used on the website are easy to read. You can zoom in a page using the following keyboard shortcuts: [Ctrl] and [+] (Windows, Linux) or [⌘] and [+] (Mac OS X). In order to zoom out, you should press [−] instead of [+]. If using a computer mouse with a scroll wheel, you can turn the wheel instead of pressing [+] and [−].
When printing out (for instance, with the help of the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl] and [P] or a link at the foot of a page), only essential information will be printed on the page in a compact form. It is easy and convenient. In addition, less paper is used.
Browser capabilities
Each browser features a variety of keyboard shortcuts making the navigation easier.
If you have found an error or simply know how to make the website better, please contact us at By doing so, you will make your personal contribution to the website upgrading.