Planning and organizing R&D

The Program for scientific research, development and technological activities of Gazprom (hereinafter the “R&D Program”) is developed every year and serves as the basis for the subsequent conclusion of contracts for R&D works commissioned by Gazprom and its subsidiaries.

The R&D Program covers the activities geared towards achieving the technological and organizational priorities of the Company’s innovative development as stipulated in the Innovative Development Program until 2025.

The R&D Program is drawn up in conformity with the Procedure for organizing scientific research, development and technological activities at Gazprom and its subsidiaries.

Proposals for the implementation of R&D are submitted through application forms and accepted during the entire calendar year.

In 2016, the Permanent R&D Committee of Gazprom (hereinafter the “R&D Committee”) was set up with the primary goal of conducting comprehensive reviews of the application papers submitted by the structural units of Gazprom and its subsidiaries and making collegial decisions on the feasibility of R&D activities.

With a view to performing independent assessments of application papers, a pool of R&D experts was created under the R&D Committee. The experts, who specialize in various areas of activities relevant to the Company, issue opinions on the submitted papers. The pool includes 506 highly qualified specialists and scientists, among them 5 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 91 professors, 115 doctors of science, and 167 PhD holders.

Experts performing R&D reviews adhere to the principles of objectivity, impartiality and independence, supporting their opinions with reasoning and quantitative assessments. The Committee takes expert opinions into account when making decisions on R&D activities.

Research organizations, higher education institutions (regardless of forms of ownership), small and medium-sized innovative enterprises, and other entities may submit application papers to Gazprom Department (Oleg Aksyutin) with the purpose of performing R&D activities for Gazprom.

The R&D Program is drawn up and the R&D Committee is established by the Directorate in charge of the development of Gazprom’s Innovative Development Program. The Directorate forms part of Gazprom Department (Oleg Aksyutin).

R&D contractors are selected in line with the Regulation on the procurement of goods, works and services by Gazprom and companies of the Gazprom Group. Information on the ongoing R&D procurements is published online.