Information about strategic priorities, goals and objectives of Board of Directors

The Gazprom Board of Directors exercises general governance over the Company's activities, with the exception of decision-making on issues falling within the scope of authority of the General Shareholders Meeting in compliance with the Federal Law on Joint Stock Companies. The Board of Directors ensures that the Company achieves its goals and objectives set out in the Articles of Association.

The scope of authority of the Board of Directors is determined by the Federal Law on Joint Stock Companies and the Articles of Association.

Pursuant to the Regulation on Board of Directors approved by the annual General Shareholders Meeting on June 30, 2016, the main objectives of the Board of Directors are to determine the Company's development strategy aimed at increasing its capitalization and investment attractiveness, to establish the Company's asset management principles, and to institute an efficient system for monitoring the Company's financial and business results.

The Board of Directors defines the principles of and approaches to setting up a risk management and internal control system and determines the Company's remuneration policy for the Members of the Board of Directors, the Audit Commission, executive bodies and other key senior officials of the Company.

The Board of Directors seeks to, among other things, enhance the efficiency and transparency of the Company's internal management mechanisms, streamline the control and accountability system of Gazprom's governing bodies, and observe shareholders' rights.

The Board of Directors plays a leading role in ensuring the transparency of the Company's activities coupled with timely and full disclosure of information by the Company, as well as providing shareholders with access to the Company's documents.

The Board of Directors regularly considers issues related to strengthening investor and shareholder relations and improving corporate governance at Gazprom with due consideration of the best practices and measures for preventing corporate corruption.

The Board of Directors reviews and approves key internal documents regulating the Company's activities, except for those falling within the scope of authority of the Company's General Shareholders Meeting or executive bodies.