Congratulations from Alexey Miller

Esteemed colleagues! Dear friends!

Alexey Miller

Alexey Miller

I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the important event – the 20th anniversary of the Gazprom creation!

This is a special holiday for all of us. It is due to our efforts that our Company has become one of the most powerful ones in the global energy industry.

The scale of what we have created is immense. We have a clear understanding of what the purpose of such an extensive and hard work is. It is based on the intent to provide uninterrupted natural gas supplies to our consumers today, tomorrow and in decades to come.

Gazprom is a reliable supplier. Its activities guarantee energy security for consumers. We set a high value on such a reputation and we will try to keep it up for many years to come.

Our strategic goal is to make Gazprom the number one company in the global energy market. These goals are ambitious, but achievable. Today Gazprom is present throughout Russia and in many foreign countries.

In 2012 we started developing Yamal by launching the huge Bovanenkovo field Yamal will become one of the world’s largest gas centers. A superpower gas production facility and a gas transmission system of a unique complexity are under construction in the Peninsula. Only several years ago it seemed impossible, whereas today the new era of the gas industry becomes real.

In the nearest future the Company is planning to develop the Arctic shelf First of all, hydrocarbon production will be launched in the Prirazlomnoye field.

We are the founders of the gas industry in Eastern Russia This work started only a few years ago. But there are already gas production centers operating in Sakhalin and Kamchatka, activities in Yakutia are well underway. Gas routes in western and eastern parts of Russia will be incorporated into the Unified Gas Supply System.

The gas industry development in eastern regions not only increases the number of Russian consumers for us, but also expands the export reach. We are entering the promising and capacious Asian sales market. Its development is primarily associated with liquefied natural gas.

For upcoming decades we retain strong positions in Europe. The Nord Stream and the South Stream gas pipelines are a long-term guarantee of Russian gas supplies to the traditional markets.

We are proud of the achievements in related industries no less than of our success in the gas business. Gazprom entered the power industry only a few years ago, and today it has become the leader in the Russian market. In the national oil industry we are among the five major players and the most efficient company.

Gazprom's success would not be possible without you – a unique team of employees with deep knowledge, vast experience and professional business attitude. Your clear, well-coordinated, and often selfless devotion to work is the Gazprom’s key to future victories.

Dear colleagues! Thank you all for the great and significant contribution to the Company’s development. I wish you robust health, happiness and prosperity! We shall keep on working!


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Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee