
The following documents were signed:

  • the Roadmap for cooperation in the gas sector between Gazprom and the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan;
  • the Roadmap for cooperation in the gas sector between Gazprom and the Government of Kazakhstan.

Dmitry Shchyogolev was appointed Director General of Gazprom Dobycha Nadym.


Gazprom celebrated its 30th anniversary.


Mikhail Putin was reelected as a Member of the Gazprom Management Committee.

Vasily Nikitin was put in charge of Gazprom Transgaz Nizhny Novgorod.


The following documents were signed:

  • the Program (Roadmap) between Gazprom and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area for cooperation during the implementation of facilities (projects) for social and economic development of Novy Urengoy. The document was elaborated in the lead-up to the city's 50th anniversary to be celebrated in 2025;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation with regard to natural gas as a vehicle fuel;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and KAMAZ. Under the document, KAMAZ will develop natural gas-fueled intercity bus and off-road vehicle models for Gazprom.

New permanent exhibition titled “Porcelain Plastic Art by Inna Olevskaya” was opened at the Hermitage Museum with support from Gazprom.

Vadim Simdyakin was appointed Head of Department 314.

Dmitry Khandoga, Head of Department 312, was appointed to concurrently serve as Acting Director General of Gazprom Export.

Andrey Baranov was elected Director General of Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta.


The following documents were signed:

  • the 2023–2025 Action plan (roadmap) between Gazprom and the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory for accelerating transition to natural gas as a motor fuel and developing NGV refueling infrastructure within the Territory;
  • the Action plan (roadmap) between Gazprom and the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory for synchronizing the implementation of a large-scale investment project that envisages the construction of NGV infrastructure in the resort city of Sochi in 2023–2024.

The Presiding Committee Meeting and the 25th anniversary General Meeting of the International Business Congress moderated by Alexey Miller took place.

Vadim Simdyakin was elected as a Member of the Gazprom Management Committee.


The final round of Gazprom's 9th corporate Fakel Festival was held in Sochi.

The Sixth Annual Gathering of Gazprom Classes' pupils from across Russia took place in St. Petersburg.


Gazprom held the annual General Shareholders Meeting in the form of absentee voting. The Company's Board of Directors was elected as follows: Andrey Akimov, Igor Maksimtsev, Denis Manturov, Vitaly Markelov, Viktor Martynov, Alexey Miller, Alexander Novak, Dmitry Patrushev, Mikhail Sereda, Nikolai Shulginov, and Viktor Zubkov.

Viktor Zubkov was elected as Chairman of the Gazprom Board of Directors and Alexey Miller as Deputy Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors.

The historical flags of the Russian Empire and the USSR, as well as the State flag of the Russian Federation are raised in St. Petersburg. The project was implemented by Gazprom. The flagpoles rising 179.5 meters above the water level on the coast of the Gulf of Finland become the world's first ensemble of three flagpoles of such height.

The following documents were signed:

  • the Contract between Gazprom and the Republic of Kazakhstan for the transmission of Russian natural gas across the Republic of Kazakhstan for the consumers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • the cooperation agreements between Gazprom and the Bryansk, Irkutsk, Novgorod, and Yaroslavl Regions aimed to expand the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel;
  • the Agreement of Intent with regard to gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion between Gazprom and the Murmansk Region;
  • the Agreement on coordination and cooperation with regard to the extraction and utilization of coalbed methane obtained as a result of pre-mine drainage between Gazprom and the Kemerovo Region – Kuzbass;
  • the Agreement of Intent between Gazprom and St. Petersburg. The document is aimed at implementing a project for a culture-and-sports cluster on Petrovsky Island;
  • the Agreement of Intent between Gazprom, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Tula Region. The parties will collaborate on the project to be implemented by Gazprom for the construction of Russia's largest specialized foundry complex to produce turbine blades for industrial, marine and power-generating gas turbines;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Tyumen Region. The parties will cooperate in implementing the project for the creation of a new gas turbine engine TM-16 with a capacity of 16 MW at the production site of the Tyumenskiye Motorostroiteli (Tyumen Motor Builders) Plant;
  • the Roadmap between Gazprom and the Penza Region to expand the use of high-tech products, including import-substituting ones, offered by regional organizations, for the benefit of the Company;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The parties will assess the prospects for the wider use of natural gas by the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, namely, its use in power generation for the own needs of such enterprises;
  • the Agreement of Intent between Gazprom, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the state-owned Rostec Corporation. Pursuant to the document, the parties intend to cooperate in the manufacture and supplies of high-power gas turbine engines GTE-110M;
  • the Coordination Agreement between Gazprom and the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo). The parties intend to convert to electronic form the document workflow related to the lease of federally owned land plots for the existing and future facilities of Gazprom;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and Russian Railways aimed at improving the efficiency of interaction in the cases where reconstruction or relocation of Gazprom's gas pipeline sections is required to expand the railway infrastructure;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera);
  • the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and GT Morstroy. The parties intend to develop their cooperation to solve the potential tasks of Gazprom in Russian seas;
  • the Agreement of Сooperation between Gazprom, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Kaliningrad Region, and AVTOTOR Holding. The document is designed for expanding the lineup of domestically produced NGVs;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Academy of Mining Sciences Interregional Non-Governmental Organization. The competencies of the scientists and specialists of the Academy can be used in the implementation of projects for the extraction and utilization of coalbed methane, including as a result of pre-mine drainage;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation between TGC-1 and the Murmansk Region. The document is aimed, inter alia, at creating the conditions required to convert the regional generating facilities of TGC-1 from coal and fuel oil to natural gas.

The International Roundtable titled “The Benefits of Natural Gas for the Population and the Economy” was held in the Republic of South Africa. The event took place under the auspices of the African Energy Chamber with support from Gazprom.

The second edition of Art Fair 1703 took place in the Manege Central Exhibition Hall in St. Petersburg.


Alexey Kshesinsky was elected Director General of Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk.


Gazprom and the Government of the Russian Federation signed documents for Gazprom to support and become the title sponsor of the “Games of the Future” International Multi-Sport Tournament, the first-ever tournament that brings physical culture and cybersports together.

Vladimir Kobychev was elected Director General of Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk.

Alexey Ovechkin was elected Director General of Gazprom Nedra.


First-ever delivery of Gazprom's LNG via the Northern Sea Route takes place. A shipment of liquefied natural gas produced at the Complex near the Portovaya CS is unloaded from the Velikiy Novgorod LNG tanker at the Tangshan LNG import terminal in China.

Modernized turbo generator No. 6 of the Avtovskaya CHPP is put into operation in St. Petersburg. With the launch of the turbo generator, Gazprom completes the large-scale renovation of generating capacities at one of the city's key thermal power plants.

Modernized turbo generator No. 6 
Modernized turbo generator No. 6 

Modernized turbo generator No. 6 

The Amur Region's first small-scale Natural Gas Liquefaction Complex is launched in the Svobodnensky District. The Complex is the key facility in the pilot project for off-grid gas supplies in the Amur Region.

The following documents were signed:

  • bilateral schedules (roadmaps) between Gazprom, the Republic of Buryatia and the Transbaikal Territory for gas infrastructure expansion in said regions through 2032;
  • the schedule (roadmap) for gas infrastructure expansion in the urban territory of Tynda through 2027 between Gazprom and the Amur Region;
  • the cooperation agreement with regard to gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion in the town of Ust-Kut between Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, the Irkutsk Region and Irkutsk Oil Company.


The Gazprom Board of Directors approved the Company's Climate Strategy until the year 2050. The document takes into account the goals of the Russian Federation in terms of achieving a balance between human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and their removals by no later than the year 2060.

Gazprom and CNPC (China) signed the document for additional volumes of Russian gas to be supplied via the eastern route until the end of 2023.

The second season of the Friends of St. Petersburg festival of creative and educational projects was launched.

The corporate team of Gazprom achieved the best result at the Third World Construction Championship.


Gazprom launched the first natural gas liquefaction complex in the Southern Federal District

Small-scale natural gas liquefaction
Small-scale natural gas liquefaction

Small-scale natural gas liquefaction complex

The following documents were signed:

  • the Agreement of Strategic Cooperation between Gazprom and the Government of Kazakhstan for expanding the cooperation in natural gas supplies, transmission and processing, as well as natural gas exploration and production;
  • the Strategic Memorandum of Cooperation in the energy complex between Gazprom and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Pursuant to the document, the parties intend to expand their cooperation in gas supplies and transportation, as well as in geological exploration and production of hydrocarbons;
  • the Memorandum of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic. The document is aimed at promoting long-term interaction between the parties in the gas sector, as well as at exploring the possibilities of cooperation in the power generation sector;
  • the Agreement between Gazprom, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and China Oil & Gas Pipeline Network Corporation (PipeChina). The Agreement governs the cooperation between the parties with regard to the design development and construction of the trans-border section of the gas pipeline to cross the Ussuri River in the vicinity of the Dalnerechensk town (Russia) and the Hulin city (China);
  • the Long-term Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom and Cognitive Robotics (Cognitive Pilot, a subsidiary of Sberbank and Cognitive Technologies). Cognitive Robotics will develop a driver assistance system based on artificial intelligence that can be used in Gazprom's corporate vehicles;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation and the Roadmap between Gazprom and the Almaz-Antey Corporation. In particular, pursuant to the documents signed, Almaz-Antey will elaborate the matters related to the design development and manufacture of high-tech equipment and the systems for its installation and maintenance for even more efficient production of gas at Gazprom's fields;
  • the Coordination Agreement between Gazprom and TNG-Group. The parties are interested in developing a technology of bottom cable systems for performing 4D seismic monitoring during offshore field development;
  • the Long-term Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom and Research and Production Company Micran. Micran, for the benefit of Gazprom, will start developing a multipurpose communication center for gas distribution stations;
  • the Long-term Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom and EleSy. EleSy will develop advanced equipment for the power supply systems of the network of automated process control systems and a frequency converter for the main electrical equipment of Gazprom's compressor stations;
  • the Agreement of Intent between Gazprom and ROTEC Digital Solutions. The parties will cooperate in the creation of an automated monitoring and technical condition assessment system for the gas compressor units at the facilities of Gazprom;
  • the Agreement of Technological Partnership between Gazprom and UEC. The parties will elaborate the supply and maintenance conditions for gas turbine power plants GTE-110M that use high-power engines GTD-110M, inter alia, for their use in Gazprom's power generation projects. The companies also plan to interact in the matters related to the manufacture of blades;
  • the R&D Program for 2024–2026 between Gazprom and the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas aimed at implementing the technological priorities set out under the Gazprom Innovative Development Program;
  • the Scientific & Technical Cooperation and Partnership Program for 2024–2028 between Gazprom and the Comita Group of Companies (Republic of Slovenia). The parties will continue their joint efforts to address sci-tech tasks in such areas as the reliability of the Unified Gas Supply System, further enhancement of energy efficiency, energy conservation and environmental protection, new applications of natural gas, informatization, and automation;
  • the Scientific & Technical Cooperation Program for 2024–2028 between Gazprom and Zagorsk Pipe Plant. Under the document, the parties will cooperate in terms of launching the production of new types of pipe products, such as, for instance, high-strength pipes of K70 strength class;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and KAMAZ. The parties agreed on the supplies of new models of large-sized suburban and intercity buses to serve the needs of Gazprom; 
  • the Agreement of Intent between Gazprom and Galich Mobile Cranes Plant. The plant is going to start the production of the first-ever Russian truck crane with a lifting capacity of 100 tons;
  • five roadmaps between Gazprom, Gazprom Shelfproject and Gazprom Invest. The documents envisage the advancement of technologies for offshore oil & gas field prospecting, exploration and development, and aim to establish the domestic production of relevant equipment and materials;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and Gazprombank with regard to possible involvement of the bank in addressing Gazprom's tasks during the implementation of the Company's investment projects;
  • the Roadmap between Gazprom, Gazprom Nedra and Gazprom Invest. The purpose of the document is to further increase the efficiency and volume of seismic surveys performed at the fields of Gazprom;
  • the Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom, Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk and Gazkholodteсhnika. Pursuant to the document, Gazkholodteсhnika will master the manufacture of domestic plate-fin heat exchangers made of aluminium;
  • the Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom VNIIGAZ and Innopolis University designed to address the tasks of utmost importance in the spheres of gas field development and pipeline transportation of natural gas.


The Gazprom Board of Directors approved the Company's investment program and budget for 2024.

The Gazprom Group consolidated a controlling stake in Gazprom-Media Holding.

Gazprom completed the upgrade of the Verkhne-Tulomskaya HPP, the most high-performance hydro power plant in northwestern Russia.

Factory tests of a next-generation gas turbine engine for Gazprom's facilities commenced.

Gazprom and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra signed the Agreement of Cooperation for 2024–2028. The document was signed as a follow-up to the current five-year agreement which expires in 2023.

The award ceremony was held for the 2023 edition of Gazprom's Science and Technology Prize. The top prize went to the paper entitled “Development and implementation of a gas ejection technology to reduce gas blowdown volumes at compressor stations” by Gazprom Transgaz Kazan.

Winners of the 14th contest for the PR and media relations services of Gazprom's subsidiaries and entities were awarded.

The opening ceremony for three new halls of The Peter the Great Gallery was held at the State Hermitage Museum. Eight out of eleven halls of The Peter the Great Gallery – a permanent exhibition created with support from Gazprom – are now open to the visitors.

Photo by Alexey Bronnikov, State Hermitage Museum
Photo by Alexey Bronnikov, State Hermitage Museum

Photo by Alexey Bronnikov, State Hermitage Museum

The crew of the Andrey Vilkitsky ice escort vessel became the winner of the first annual contest for the prize of the Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, which is held among the crews of the vessels and floating drilling rigs employed at the Company's projects.

Anvar Lechkhadzhiev was elected Director General of Gazprom Transgaz Grozny.