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The feasibility study was completed for the Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline project. Soyuz Vostok will become an extension of Russia's Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline in Mongolian territory and will make it possible to supply up to 50 billion cubic meters of gas per year to China.
The Peter the Great Gallery, the first part of the permanent exhibition entitled “Russian Culture in the First Half of the 18th Century,” was opened at the Hermitage Museum with support from Gazprom.
The following documents were signed:
- the agreement to supply Russian pipeline gas to China via the Far Eastern route between Gazprom and CNPC. The new route will increase Russian gas supplies to China by 10 billion cubic meters;
- the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation to implement the project for the production of lithium at the Kovyktinskoye field;
- the tripartite action plan (roadmap) for the implementation of the lithium production project at the Kovyktinskoye field between Gazprom, Irkutsk Oil Company, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
- the contract between Gazoprovod Soyuz Vostok and Gazprom Proyektirovaniye for design and survey works as part of the Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline construction project.
An integrated project for the effective development of hydrocarbon reserves in the Nadym-Pur-Taz region's fields was completed. The complex includes a condensate stabilization unit for the fields of the Nadym-Pur-Taz region, the Urengoyskaya oil pumping station, the Urengoy – Pur-Pe oil and condensate pipeline, and a custody transfer point.
Two agreements of cooperation between Gazprom and KAMAZ were signed. The documents envisage the creation of new vehicle models, including gas-powered ones, and their managed maintenance.
Sergey Khomyakov was reelected as a Member of the Gazprom Management Committee.
The Depositary Receipt Programmes in relation to shares in Gazprom were terminated.
The protocol between Gazprom and the Republic of Belarus was signed to introduce changes to certain conditions of natural gas supplies to Belarus in the period until the end of 2022.
Gazprom's Environmental Camp concluded its first season, bringing together children's teams from 25 subsidiary companies.
The Agreement of Cooperation was signed between Gazprom and the Government of St. Petersburg with a view to expanding the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a motor fuel in the city.
The Fifth Gathering of Gazprom Classes' students concluded in Kazan.
Gazprom held the annual General Shareholders Meeting in the form of absentee voting. The Company's Board of Directors was elected as follows: Andrey Akimov, Denis Manturov, Vitaly Markelov, Viktor Martynov, Vladimir Mau, Alexey Miller, Alexander Novak, Dmitry Patrushev, Mikhail Sereda, Nikolai Shulginov, and Viktor Zubkov.
Viktor Zubkov was elected as Chairman of the Gazprom Board of Directors and Alexey Miller as Deputy Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors.
The renovated power generating unit No. 9 was brought into operation in the Moscow Region at CHPP-22 operated by Mosenergo. The unit has the world's most powerful cogeneration turbine.
The following documents were signed:
- the Technical Agreement between Gazprom and CNPC on the Far Eastern route for Russian gas supplies to China. The document sets out the key technical parameters of the gas pipeline's trans-border section;
- the Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and NC QazaqGaz. The document outlines the intentions of the parties to increase, in a longer run, the processing of gas extracted from Kazakhstan's Karachaganak field at Gazprom's Orenburg Gas Processing Plant to 11 billion cubic meters per year;
- the contract between Gazprom Pererabotka and KazRosGas for processing gas from the Karachaganak field in 2022–2023;
- the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Moscow Government on the development of the gas, power and heat supply networks in Moscow;
- the Memorandum of Intent between Gazprom and the Volgograd Region to implement a project for developing comprehensive infrastructure for the production, storage, transportation and consumption of liquefied natural gas in the region;
- the bilateral agreements on a wider use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel between Gazprom and the Astrakhan Region, the Republic of Dagestan, and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area;
- the updated 2021–2025 gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion program between Gazprom and the Irkutsk Region;
- the Agreement of Intent between Gazprom and the Irkutsk Region to provide gas grid coverage to the town of Sayansk and certain municipalities of the region;
- the annexes to the 2021–2025 programs for gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion between Gazprom and the Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Orel, Rostov, Tambov, and Vladimir Regions, as well as the Perm Territory;
- the Roadmap between Gazprom and the Republic of Mordovia to expand the use of high-tech products, including import-substituting ones, offered by Mordovian organizations, for the benefit of the Company;
- the Addendum to the Agreement of Intent inked in 2019 between Gazprom and the Sakhalin Region aimed at implementing Gazprom's ambitious investment project in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Pursuant to the Addendum, two independent facilities – a water sports complex and a sports and health center with a universal gym – will be built instead of the previously planned multi-purpose sports and leisure center;
- the Program (Roadmap) between Gazprom and St. Petersburg for cooperation in the implementation of projects for social and economic development of St. Petersburg. The Program covers more than 60 projects that are planned to be implemented in the city with the participation of Gazprom in the medium and long term;
- the Agreement of Intent between Gazprom and St. Petersburg aimed at implementing the project for creating a public cultural & leisure space in St. Petersburg;
- the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Almaz-Antey Corporation. The document expands the scope of interaction between the parties and envisages the development of proposals for the localization of services for repair, technical maintenance and support of imported pipeline valves installed at Gazprom's facilities;
- the Agreement of Interaction between Gazprom and the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor). The document was signed as a follow-up to the 2016 agreement and is aimed at further strengthening cooperation on industrial safety issues;
- the updated Scientific and Technical Cooperation Programs between Gazprom, United Metallurgical Company (OMK), and Severstal. The documents contain an extended list of innovative products, including those with special operating properties, which the pipe companies plan to master and adopt for the benefit of Gazprom;
- the Memorandum of Cooperation between Gazprom and State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom. The document envisages the possibility of using in Gazprom's interests the infrastructure of Europe's first bench complex for testing technologies and equipment for medium- and large-scale production of liquefied natural gas;
- the Agreement on Strategic Partnership between Gazprom, the Russian Student Brigades (RSO) National Youth Public Organization, and Gazstroyprom;
- the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and NOVATEK. According to the document, the parties are interested in joining efforts to secure the sustainable development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;
- the Coordination Agreement between Gazprom Mezhregiongaz and the Republic of Dagestan on the consolidation of gas distribution networks in the republic.
Gazprom took part in ceremonial events celebrating the 350th anniversary of the birth of Peter I that were held in St. Petersburg. New halls of The Peter the Great Gallery were opened at the State Hermitage Museum, a monument titled “Peter the Great Saves the Drowning near Lakhta” was unveiled near the Lakhta Center, an exhibition titled “30 Paintings from the Life of Peter the Great. 2022” was presented on the Field of Mars, and the first edition of St. Petersburg Art Fair 1703 took place in the Manege Central Exhibition Hall.
The following documents were signed:
- the Memorandum of Understanding for strategic cooperation between Gazprom and National Iranian Oil Company. The document envisages the analysis of cooperation prospects, inter alia, in the following areas: development of Iranian oil & gas fields and oil fields, performance of swap transactions with natural gas and petroleum products, implementation of large-scale and small-scale LNG projects, construction of gas trunklines, and sci-tech and technology cooperation;
- the gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion program between Gazprom and the Kostroma Region through 2025. Gazprom plans to invest RUB 35.3 billion in the program.
The Coordination Center for NGV Market Development was created at Gazprom's initiative. The Center's main objectives include the monitoring of the market situation, expert reviews of prospective projects of systemic importance, analysis of the regulatory and technical framework, and preparation of proposals on the streamlining thereof.
Gazprom notified Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) of the necessity to perform automatic conversion of depositary receipts into Gazprom's shares.
Gazprom and the Chelyabinsk Region signed the program for gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion until the end of 2025.
Gazprom's Spartakiada Games were held in St. Petersburg. The edition of the Games became one the biggest and most spectacular events in decades of this corporate sports movement.
The extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom was held in the form of absentee voting. The Meeting approved the amount of interim dividends for the first half of 2022 at RUB 51.03 per share, which marked an all-time high in the history of the Company and Russia's entire stock market alike in terms of dividend payout.
In the Korsakovsky District of the Sakhalin Region, gas supply was launched for the Korsakov gas distribution station built under the region's program for gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion.
The following documents were signed:
- the additional agreements to the long-term Sales and Purchase Agreement for Russian gas to be supplied via the eastern route between Gazprom and CNPC. Pursuant to these agreements, inter alia, settlements for Russian gas supplies to China are to be made in the national currencies of the two countries, i.e. the ruble and the yuan;
- the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Russian Ministry of Labor and Social Protection;
- the program for gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion until 2025 between Gazprom and the Sverdlovsk Region;
- the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom, RusChemAlliance, and Gazprom Linde Engineering to elaborate potential options for expanding the Complex for LNG production, storage and shipment which is based near the Portovaya compressor station;
- the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering. The parties intend to establish an effective collaboration in creating offshore infrastructure and subsea robotic devices for the surveying and pre-development of offshore gas and oil fields;
- the agreement of cooperation between Gazprom and Almaz-Antey Air and Space Defense Corporation on the use of the capacities of Almaz-Antey to create cryogenic fuel tanks for transport vehicles powered by liquefied natural gas – a cost-effective and eco-friendly fuel;
- the agreement of cooperation between Gazprom and Almaz-Antey Air and Space Defense Corporation aimed at developing equipment for gas processing and helium production facilities;
- the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom, Akron Holding, and the Government of the Pskov Region. The main purpose of the document is to provide for the upgrading of the existing welding systems and to master the manufacturing of advanced and unique welding systems;
- two agreements of cooperation between Gazprom and the Sakhalin Region for the parties to join forces in implementing the construction project for a small-scale LNG production plant and receiving, storage and regasification systems in the Sakhalin Region;
- the addendum to the 2021–2025 gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion program of the Yaroslavl Region between Gazprom and the Yaroslavl Region;
- the addendum to the 2021–2025 gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion program of the Amur Region between Gazprom and the Amur Region;
- the addendum to the 2021–2025 gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion program of the Sakhalin Region between Gazprom and the Sakhalin Region;
- the Agreement of Intent to implement a project for the reconstruction, upgrade and development of the heat supply system of the Svobodny town between Gazprom, Gazprom Teploenergo, the Amur Region, and the Svobodny town;
- the 2022–2025 roadmap to develop the NGV fuel market of the Republic of Dagestan between Gazprom and the Republic of Dagestan;
- the Long-term Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom Space Systems, Research & Production Company Micran, and Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk. The parties to join forces to develop domestic equipment for satellite communication systems in the interests of Gazprom;
- the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo and Almaz-Antey Air and Space Defense Corporation. The parties to work on the creation of a product line of state-of-the-art domestic compressor equipment of various capacities with the purpose of producing compressed natural gas at CNG filling stations;
- – the cooperation agreements of Gazprom Helium Service with the Government of the Astrakhan Region, with Research & Production Association Geliymash, and with ContainerRemService to advance the production of liquefied natural gas and manufacture equipment for the transportation of liquefied gases;
- the Agreement of Cooperation between Sakhalin Energy and REP Holding. The document provides for a set of measures pertaining to the operation, major repairs and retrofitting of gas compressor equipment at the facilities of the Sakhalin II project;
- the Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk and National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. The parties intend to expand their cooperation on, inter alia, information and innovative technologies, digitalization of business processes, and sci-tech, expert examination and educational activities;
- the Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom Helium Service and Russian Far East and Arctic Development Corporation for the parties to collaborate on the implementation of a construction project for a small-scale natural gas liquefaction complex in the Nadezhdinskaya PDA (Primorye Territory);
- the Agreement to conduct business in a priority development area between Gazprom Helium Service and Russian Far East and Arctic Development Corporation. In line with the newly signed document, Gazprom Helium Service has become a resident of the Svobodny PDA (Amur Region);
- the Joint Action Plan for 2022–2024 between Gazprom Pererabotka and Gazprom's anchor universities – Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Kazan National Research Technological University, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, and Industrial University of Tyumen.
St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2022 hosted the finish event of the Gas into Engines rally for vehicles powered by natural gas. This year's rally had the longest route in the history of the race. The racers drove 10,000 kilometers from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg.
The results of Gazprom's second Labor Festival were announced and the winners of the professional excellence competitions were awarded.
As part of the Eastern Economic Forum 2022, the opening ceremony for an exhibition titled “Tsar Peter Alexeevich. On the Eve of Empire” took place at the Museum of Far East History in Vladivostok.
Feeding of gas started at the Kovyktinskoye field in order to perform start-up & commissioning operations under load at the field's comprehensive gas treatment unit No.2 and the section of the Power of Siberia gas trunkline between the Kovyktinskoye and Chayandinskoye fields.
Gazprom commenced the implementation of the construction (reconstruction) project for the Nadym – Pangody railroad section, which will form part of the planned Northern Latitudinal Railway.
The following documents were signed:
- the Program for gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion of the Republic of Tatarstan until the end of 2025 between Gazprom and the republic;
- the addendum to the Program for gas supply and gas infrastructure expansion for 2021–2025 between Gazprom and the Republic of Mari El;
- the Agreement of Cooperation for the supply of a new range of all-wheel drive vehicle models between Gazprom and KAMAZ.
The opening ceremony for the first edition of the Friends of St. Petersburg festival of creative and educational projects took place in St. Petersburg.
Russian gas supplies to Azerbaijan started under the new sales and purchase agreement concluded between Gazprom Export and the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR).
Construction of Russia's first Academy of Table Tennis commenced in Orenburg.
The awarding was held for the winners and laureates of the 12th Energy of Victories national sports journalism festival contest.
New exhibition titled “Imperial Hall: Multinational Russia” was unveiled at Russia's first museum Kunstkamera.
The Kovyktinskoye field and the relevant section of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline entered operation. From that point, the Power of Siberia gas pipeline started receiving gas from both sources – the Kovyktinskoye and Chayandinskoye fields – and became operational along its entire length of over 3,000 kilometers.
The Semakovskoye gas field was launched in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area.
The Gazprom Board of Directors approved the investment program and budget for 2023.
The following documents were signed:
- the Coordination Agreement between Gazprom, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Government of St. Petersburg, and United Shipbuilding Corporation. The document aims to develop the use of liquefied natural gas as a vehicle fuel in the waterborne transport of St. Petersburg;
- an updated Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom and the Republic of Bashkortostan. The key areas of further development of cooperation include gas infrastructure development and additional gas grid expansion in local population centers, utilization of the industrial potential of the republic (including power engineering) for providing Gazprom's facilities with necessary equipment, and the implementation of social projects.
Gazprom built the world's most advanced Rhythmic Gymnastics Center in the Sirius territory located in the Krasnodar Territory.
The award ceremony was held for the 2022 edition of Gazprom's Science and Technology Prize. The top prize went to the paper entitled “Single-line gas metering station equipped with ultrasonic flow transducers and checked for accuracy by means of an intra-facility verification unit.” The work was presented by Gazprom Transgaz Moscow.
The award ceremony of the 13th contest for the PR and media relations services of Gazprom's subsidiaries and entities was held.
Gazprom submitted the recreated versions and copies of the flags of the Preobrazhensky Life-Guards Regiment to the Transfiguration Cathedral of St. Petersburg and the State Hermitage Museum.