
Gazprom fully completed its investment program for the Winter Olympics. Since 2007 Gazprom has been responsible for constructing a number of Olympic facilities: the Adler TPP, the Dzhubga – Lazarevskoye – Sochi gas pipeline, the Biathlon and Ski Complex, the Mountain Olympic Village for 1,100 persons and the Mountain Tourist Center. At the final stage of the Olympic investment program the Company commissioned additional capacities at the Krasnodarskaya compressor station in January 2014, thereby ensuring the maximum load of two major pipelines at a time, namely Blue Stream and Dzhubga – Lazarevskoye – Sochi.

Gas transmission projects layout, Krasnodar Territory
Gas transmission projects layout, Krasnodar Territory

Gas transmission projects layout, Krasnodar Territory

Gazprom reported the IFRS results for the 9 months of 2013.

The Company signed the following documents:

  • Programs for sports facilities construction in the Belgorod, Kursk, Bryansk and Voronezh Regions;
  • Road Maps for the projects, i.e. ‘Wider application of technologies, products and services provided to Gazprom by enterprises of the Voronezh Region’ and ‘Wider application of high-tech and import-substituting products manufactured by sci-tech enterprises of the Omsk Region for the benefit of Gazprom’;
  • Contracts to supply 75 thousand 12-meter pipes for the first line of South Stream’s offshore section with German EUROPIPE (50 per cent of the total volume), United Metallurgical Company (35 per cent) and Severstal (15 per cent).

Gazprom increased its ownership stake in ArmRosgazprom to 100 per cent. The company will be named Gazprom Armenia.

Mikhail Likhachev was put in charge of Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo.


The Board of Directors resolved to convene the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom on June 27, 2014 in Moscow.

Trading in American Depositary Receipts representing Gazprom’s shares started at the Moscow Exchange.

The following documents were signed:

  • the Roadmap with Shell to prepare FEED documentation for the third LNG production train within the Sakhalin II project;
  • the Cooperation Agreement with Lukoil on prevention of and response to emergencies caused by oil and petroleum product spills in the locations of the companies’ offshore facilities.
Training exercises on launching oil skimmer from Vengeri rescue vessel near Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant platform
Training exercises on launching oil skimmer from Vengeri rescue vessel near Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant platform

Training exercises on launching oil skimmer from Vengeri rescue vessel near Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant platform

The decision was made to relocate Gazprom Dobycha Shelf to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and rename it as Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, as well as to set up a new subsidiary – Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Murmansk.


The Company signed the following documents:

  • contracts for constructing the first of the four offshore lines of the South Stream gas pipeline between South Stream Transport B.V. and Saipem;
  • pipe procurement contracts for the second line of the South Stream offshore gas pipeline between South Stream Transport B.V. and several global producers, namely Marubeni-Itochu, Sumitomo, United Metallurgical Company OMK and Severstal;
  • Agreement of Cooperation as part of liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects between Gazprom and Gazprombank.

The 10th Adult Winter Spartakiada Games and the 5th Children’s Winter Spartakiada Games of Gazprom ended in Yekaterinburg.

Start of Spartakiada Games closing ceremony
Start of Spartakiada Games closing ceremony

Start of Spartakiada Games closing ceremony

Berlin hosted festive events dedicated to the 40th anniversary of Russian gas supplies to Germany under a long-term contract with E.ON.

The Blue stream gas pipeline supplied its 100th billion cubic meter of Russian natural gas to Turkey.


Gazprom reported its 2013 financial results under IFRS.

The following documents were signed:

  • the Memorandum of Intent to implement the South Stream project in Austria;
  • the contract with Swiss Allseas Group to lay the second string of the South Stream offshore gas pipeline in deep waters and a contract with Saipem for providing complementary services for the construction;
  • the contract to supply electrical systems and Control & Instrumentation for South Stream’s offshore section between South Stream Transport and Siemens;
  • the Cooperation Agreement on wider use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel between Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo and the Khabarovsk authorities;
  • the Sales and Purchase Agreement for a 100 per cent stake in KyrgyzgazProm.

Gazprom loaded the first cargo of oil produced from the Prirazlomnoye field.

Pipe No. 1 was manufactured for the first string of South Stream’s offshore section.

The 8th Youth Ice Hockey Tournament of the Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) for the Gazprom Neft Cup was completed.

Oleg Nagovitsyn was appointed Director General of Gazprom Investproject.

Sergey Kaunev was put in charge of Gazprom Inform.

Gazprom’s shares were included in Saint Petersburg Exchange Quotation List A Level 2 (QL A2).


The Company’s Board of Directors took the decision to hold Gazprom’s annual General Shareholders Meeting on June 27, 2014 in Moscow.

The following documents were signed:

  • the biggest contract in the entire history of the USSR and Gazprom for Russian pipeline gas supply to China (30-year contract between Gazprom and CNPC for the annual supply of 38 billion cubic meters of Russian gas to China);
  • the Directive to start the implementation of Gazprom's investment projects for gas supply to China;
  • the Heads of Agreement for Yamal Trade to annually supply up to 3 million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Gazprom Marketing & Trading Singapore (GM&TS) from the Yamal LNG project;
  • the Roadmap between Gazprom and the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (introduction of the best practices in standardization, metrology and products quality assurance at Gazprom will be executed from 2014 to 2018);
  • the General Agreement on Strategic Partnership between Gazprom and LUKOIL from 2014 to 2024;
  • the Roadmap for the project on wider use of high-tech products at Gazprom, which are manufactured by research and production entities of the Perm Territory;
  • the Supplementary Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Government of Bashkiria (setting up a chemical engineering center in the Republic as well as establishing a company for assembling, repairing, testing and servicing gas turbine engines);
  • the Agreement on wider use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel between Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo and the Government of Bashkiria.
Developing gas resources and shaping gas transmission system in Eastern Russia
Developing gas resources and shaping gas transmission system in Eastern Russia

Developing gas resources and shaping gas transmission system in Eastern Russia

2014 was declared the Year of Environmental Awareness at Gazprom.

Alexey Miller moderated the 30th Meeting of the European Business Congress (EBC) Presiding Committee and the 17th Annual General Meeting of EBC.

Lisbon hosted the second International Children's Forum organized within the Football for Friendship project.


Gazprom’s annual General Shareholders Meeting took place.

Viktor Zubkov and Alexey Miller were reelected as Chairman of the Gazprom Board of Directors and Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Board of Directors respectively.

Andrey Sapelin, First Deputy Chairman – Management Committee Member of Vnesheconombank State Corporation was elected as Member of the Gazprom Board of Directors for the first time.

Gazprom’s global depositary receipts were included in the quotation list of the Singapore Exchange.

At official ceremony dedicated to Gazprom’s inclusion in Singapore Exchange listings
At official ceremony dedicated to Gazprom’s inclusion in Singapore Exchange listings

At official ceremony dedicated to Gazprom’s inclusion in Singapore Exchange listings

Gazprom’s shares were included in the top quotation list of the Moscow Exchange

Gazprom switched Naftogaz of Ukraine to the prepayment of gas supplies in full compliance with the effective contract.

The following document were signed:

  • the Shareholders Agreement for the South Stream Austria joint project company between Gazprom and OMV. The signed Agreement included the final investment decision for the gas pipeline construction in Austria;
  • the Addendum to the Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom and the Stavropol Territory Government.

Gazprom opened in the Brest Fortress the museum in honor of its defenders.


The Saint Petersburg Exchange included Gazprom’s shares in the First Level (top) quotation list.

South Stream Transport obtained a construction permit for the South Stream gas pipeline in Russia.

Turkey approved the Environmental Impact Assessment Report for South Stream’s offshore section.

Centrgaz won the bidding for the South Stream gas trunkline construction in Serbia.

Drilling of exploratory wells started in the Kovyktinskoye gas and condensate field having primary importance for the Power of Siberia gas pipeline.

Gazprom commissioned the entire liquid helium production cycle in Orenburg.

Helium liquefaction unit
Helium liquefaction unit

Helium liquefaction unit

Elena Burmistrova was appointed Director General of Gazprom Export.

Sergey Gustov was put in charge of Gazprom LNG Saint Petersburg.


Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo and the Volgograd Region authorities signed the Agreement on wider use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel.

Pipe supply started for the construction of the Power of Siberia gas transmission system.

The memorial plaque of the 80th anniversary of Rem Vyakhirev’s birth was inaugurated in the Orenburg Region.

Alexander Gaivoronsky was appointed Director General of Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta.

Dzuarikau – Tskhinval – most highland gas pipeline in the world – celebrated five years since commissioning.


The first joint of the Power of Siberia GTS was welded.

The following documents were signed:

  • the Basic Terms and Conditions of natural gas supply to Republika Srpska;
  • the Gas filling network development plan for the Krasnodar Territory;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation with the Trans-Baikal Territory;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation with the Omsk Region;
  • the Roadmap on wider use of high-tech products of Bashkir companies;
  • the Agreement to improve the horse breeding industry in the Kursk Region and provide greater access to equestrian sports among children and young people.

Gazprom built a cutting-edge track and field stadium in St. Petersburg.

The closing ceremony of the Gazprom and CNPC Arts Festival took place.

Gazprom Transgaz Saratov celebrated its 50th anniversary.


Gazprom published its financial information under IFRS for the first six months of 2014.

Natural gas was traded at the St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange for the first time.

Gazprom and CNPC signed the Technical Agreement on gas supplies via the eastern route.

The following documents were approved:

  • The Regulation on Gazprom’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs);
  • The adjusted Investment Program, Budget and Cost Optimization Program for 2014.

The Katharina UGS capacity was increased 1.5 times to around 170 million cubic meters.

The Company resolved to boost Blue Stream’s capacity to 19 billion cubic meters.

Gazprom set up the Construction Department to be headed by Sergey Prozorov.

Evgeny Shadrin was put in charge of Gazprom Investholding.

International Convention & Exhibition Center ExpoForum constructed by Gazprom was inaugurated in St. Petersburg.

Gazprom was named the general sponsor of the national Olympic Team.


The following documents were signed:

  • the Framework Agreement between Gazprom and CNPC on gas supplies via the western route;
  • the addenda to existing contracts between Gazprom and Moldovagaz on prolongation of gas supply and transit until the end of 2015;
  • the Framework Agreement between Gazprom and Petrovietnam on terms and conditions of joint development of the Nagumanovskoye and Severo-Purovskoye fields;
  • the Roadmap on wider use of Belarusian high-tech products and technologies for Gazprom’s needs.

A combined cycle gas turbine unit was commissioned at the Cherepovets SDPP.

Gazprom set up the Department of Stock Exchange Operations headed by Petr Volkov.

Gazprom’s specialized department was established at St. Petersburg State University of Economics.


The Investment Program, Budget and Cost Reduction Program were approved for 2015.

Gazprom entered into agreements with Eni, Wintershall and EDF on purchasing 50 per cent of total shares in South Stream Transport from them.

Commissionings in December:

  • the second gas facility at the Bovanenkovskoye field;
  • the new combined-cycle gas turbine unit with a capacity of 420 MW at CHPP-16 in Moscow;
  • the first LNG production complex as part of the gasification program.

The Yamal-401 satellite built on request of Gazprom Space Systems was placed into orbit.

Moment of launch Yamal-401
Moment of launch Yamal-401

Moment of launch Yamal-401

The following documents were signed:

  • the Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and Botas Petroleum Pipeline Corporation on constructing an offshore gas pipeline towards Turkey;
  • the contracts on gas supplies to and transit across the Republic of Belarus between Gazprom and Gazprom Transgaz Belarus;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation for 2015 between Gazprom and the Saint Petersburg Government;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation for 2015 between Gazprom and YaNAO;
  • the credit agreement worth EUR 390 million between Gazprom and UniCredit Bank;
  • the Sci-Tech Cooperation Programs over 2015 to 2020 among Gazprom and major Russian pipe manufacturers.

Sergey Prozorov was elected as a Member of the Gazprom Management Committee.

Dmitry Chernyshenko was appointed the Management Council Chairman at Gazprom-Media Holding

Gazprom passed international certification under the labor protection and industrial safety system as well international recertification under the ecological management system.

Gazprom was recognized the top Russian energy company in the Carbon Disclosure Project index.

A new office building of Gazprom Export was inaugurated in Saint Petersburg.

Alexey Miller held the 31st Meeting of the European Business Congress.