
The Zapolyarnoye field was brought to its full design capacity – 130 billion cubic meters of gas a year. As a result, Zapolyarnoye became the most productive field in Russia.

Zapolyarnoye becomes most productive field in Russia
Zapolyarnoye becomes most productive field in Russia

Production facilities, Zapolyarnoye field

The Adler TPP was commissioned in Sochi.

The Company reported its financial results under IFRS for the nine month of 2012.

The following documents were signed:

  • the Action Plan with Plinacro on implementing the South Stream project in Croatia between 2013 and 2016. The document envisages that a joint project company for building a gas branch to Croatia will be set up in the beginning of the second half of 2013;
  • the Agreement with NOVATEK on setting up a joint venture for liquefied natural gas production on the Yamal Peninsula;
  • the Sci-Tech Cooperation Agreement with VNG.

Gazprom set up the Department for Maintenance and Repair headed by Alexander Filatov.


The Board of Directors resolved to convene the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom on June 28, 2013 in Moscow.

The Board of Directors elected Dmitry Lyugai as a Member of the Gazprom Management Committee.

Gazprom celebrated its 20th anniversary.

The Vladivostok-LNG project entered the investment stage.

Gazprom and LUKOIL agreed on associated petroleum gas processing at Sosnogorsk GPP.

Natural gas penetration in the Belgorod Region reached 99.8 per cent. Therefore, the Belgorod Region took the lead by the gasification level among Russian regions.

Gazprom's representative office was inaugurated in Qatar.

Gazprom representative office inaugurated in Qatar3
Gazprom representative office inaugurated in Qatar3

Mohammed Al Sada and Viktor Zubkov (center) at representative office inauguration ceremony

Anatoly Sorokin was put in charge of Gazprom Dobycha Shelf.


The following documents were signed:

  • the long-term contract for gas supplies between Gazprom and Serbia;
  • the Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and China on gas supplies via the eastern route.

The Company approved:

  • the action plans on establishing the resource base and implementing the LNG plant construction project near Vladivostok;
  • the Development Program for gas supply to and gasification of the Kursk Region through to 2016.

Gazprom and MND Group embarked on the new UGS facility construction in the Czech Republic.

Gazprom and MND Group embarked on the new UGS facility construction in the Czech Republic
Gazprom and MND Group embarked on the new UGS facility construction in the Czech Republic

Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee and Karel Komarek, Chairman of the MND Group Board of Directors

Gazprom withdrew the claim against the Republic of Lithuania on Kauno Termofikacijos Elektrine.

Gazprom Group’s employees were awarded the Russian Federation Government Prizes in Science and Technology for eco-friendly technologies.

Yury Spektor was put in charge of Gazprom Promgaz.


The Company reported its 2012 financial results under IFRS.

The following documents were signed:

  • the 2013–2015 Sci-Tech Collaboration Program between Gazprom and Gasunie;
  • the document stipulating cooperation with Gasunie in exploring the possibilities for the Nord Stream gas pipeline expansion;
  • the Memorandum outlining the principles of cooperation within hydrocarbons exploration and development in Russia’s Arctic shelf and a section of deep-water shelf abroad between Gazprom and Royal Dutch Shell;
  • the Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and EuRoPol GAZ;
  • the purchase and sale agreement for Rosneftegaz-owned shares in 72 gas distribution companies between Gazprom and Rosneftegaz;
  • the Agreement providing for Gazprom Germania on behalf of Gazprom Group to become an exclusive supplier of NGV fuel to Volkswagen Motorsport starting from May 2013.
Deal on acquisition of Rosneftegaz-owned shares in 72 GDC closed
Deal on acquisition of Rosneftegaz-owned shares in 72 GDC closed

Deal on acquisition of Rosneftegaz-owned shares in 72 GDC closed

Beltransgaz was renamed Gazprom Transgaz Belarus.

Gazprom launched a new Football for Friendship social project.


The Company’s Board of Directors made a decision to hold Gazprom’s annual General Shareholders Meeting on June 28, 2013 in Moscow.

Gazprom started the construction of the Kazachya compressor station – an important part of the Southern Corridor gas transmission system.

Gazprom started the construction of the Kazachya compressor station
Gazprom started the construction of the Kazachya compressor station

Vadim Startsev, First Deputy Director General of Stroytransgaz, Vitaly Brizhan, Industry and Energy Minister of Krasnodar Territory and Mikhail Levchenkov, Director General of Gazprom Invest

The Company signed:

  • Agreements of Cooperation with several large producers and distributors of motor vehicles;
  • Memorandum of Understanding on Strategic Cooperation with Gasunie;
  • Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate in natural gas use as a motor fuel with PetroVietnam.

The Company held the first International Children’s Forum within the Football for Friendship social project of Gazprom.

Gazprom acquired 92.25 per cent of Kamchatgazprom shares.

Alexey Miller chaired the 28th Meeting of the European Business Congress (EBC) Presiding Committee and the 16th Annual General Meeting of the EBC.

Gazprom held the corporate Fakel Festival in Vitebsk.

The South Stream Transport office was opened in Amsterdam.


Gazprom’s annual General Shareholders Meeting took place.

Alexey Miller at the General Shareholders Meeting
Alexey Miller at the General Shareholders Meeting

Alexey Miller at the General Shareholders Meeting

The following documents were signed:

  • Heads of Agreement on gas supply to EDF within the South Stream project;
  • Roadmap to implement energy projects in Republika Srpska within the South Stream project;
  • Agreement of Cooperation with the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East;
  • Agreement of Cooperation with the Far East & Baikal Region Development Fund;
  • Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation with the Leningrad Region Government while implementing an LNG plant project;
  • Memorandum of Understanding on the Vladivostok-LNG project with the consortium of Japanese companies;
  • Agreements for Wider Use of Natural Gas as a Motor Fuel between Gazprom and a number of Russian constituent entities;
  • Memorandum of Cooperation in the NGV sector with Russian Railways;
  • Memorandum of Cooperation in the NGV sector between Gazprom and Caterpillar;
  • Memorandums of Cooperation in the NGV sector with several several major Russian car manufacturers;
  • Document on possible acquisition of the Marcinelle Energie CCPP with Enel;
  • Agreements on the price formula application for seamless pipes and external corrosion-proof coating pipes between Gazprom and domestic manufacturers;
  • Memorandum of Intent with REP Holding;
  • Document providing for cooperation with GDF SUEZ for exploring a possibility of the Nord Stream gas pipeline expansion;
  • Agreement to promote sailing in Saint Petersburg between Gazprom, the Government of the city and the regional sport public organization Saint Petersburg Yacht Club.

Valery Golubev and Nikolai Dubik were reelected as Members of the Gazprom Management Committee.

Gazprom’s offshore drilling rigs were delivered to the Sakhalin shelf.

Gazprom’s offshore drilling rigs delivered to Sakhalin shelf
Gazprom’s offshore drilling rigs delivered to Sakhalin shelf

Severnoye Siyaniye offshore drilling rig

The 18th International Balloon Meet took place under the auspices of Gazprom.

The results of the 4th corporate contest aimed at assessing the work done by the PR services of Gazprom’s subsidiaries were summarized.


The Agreement on expanded use of natural gas as a motor fuel was signed with the Orenburg Region Government.

Gazprom and E.ON held the 9th meeting of the Coordinating Committee for sci-tech cooperation, personnel training and career development.

The gas-fueled KAMAZ truck successfully completed all stages of the international Silk Way Rally Raid.

The team of Russian yacht Bronenosec supported by Gazprom won the first Gazprom Swan 60 World Championship.


The Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo Board of Directors approved an Investment Program over 2013 to 2014 in the amount of RUB 13.8 billion.

The following documents were signed:

  • Agreements with Moscow and Vladimir Region Governments on wider use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel;
  • Agreement with Gazprom Neft regarding the installation of natural gas vehicle fueling units at Gazprom Neft's filling stations.

10th Adult Summer Spartakiada Games and the 5th Children’s Summer Spartakiada Games of Gazprom were held.

Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk wins Summer Spartakiada Games of Gazprom
Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk wins Summer Spartakiada Games of Gazprom

Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk wins Summer Spartakiada Games of Gazprom


The Company published its Q1 2013 financial statements under IFRS.

The Company commissioned Phase 1 of the Kaliningrad underground gas storage.

The following documents were signed:

  • the Agreement outlining the major terms and conditions of pipeline gas supply from Russia to China via the eastern route;
  • the Agreement for Gazprom to become an Official FIFA Partner;
  • the Roadmap to implement projects for natural gas use as a vehicle fuel in the Republic of Croatia;
  • Agreements on wider use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel with the Governments of the Leningrad, Novgorod and Rostov Regions;
  • Roadmaps to implement long-term programs of cooperation among Gazprom and REP Holding, OMZ and Cryogenmash;
  • the Agreement of Cooperation to implement a nation-wide program in the Republic of Belarus – Early Detection of Hearing Loss in Children.

The Company took part in the Green Russia event, Russia-wide environmental initiative.

The Company took part in the Green Russia event, Russia-wide environmental initiative
The Company took part in the Green Russia event, Russia-wide environmental initiative

Gazprom took part in the Green Russia event

Delegations of Gazprom participated in the 11th International Conference for Oil and Gas Resources Development in the Russian Arctic and CIS Continental Shelf as well as in the 17th Sakhalin Oil & Gas 2013 International Conference.


The South Stream construction started in Bulgaria.

The Gazprom Board of Directors approved the adjusted Investment Program, Budget and Cost Optimization Program for 2013.

Russia's first subsea production facility was tested in the Kirinskoye field within the Sakhalin III project.

Commercial gas production was launched in Vietnam.

The Kubanskaya compressor station was brought onstream as part of Southern Corridor.

Kubanskaya compressor station
Kubanskaya compressor station

Kubanskaya compressor station

The Vladivostok-LNG project was presented to prospective purchasers of liquefied natural gas and partners from Japan.

The following documents were signed:

  • the Gas Transmission Agreement between Gazprom Export and South Stream Transport;
  • the Agreement with PetroVietnam on the basic principles of the joint venture activities under a project for natural gas use as a vehicle fuel in the Republic of Vietnam;
  • the Agreement and Memorandums of Cooperation in natural gas use as motor fuel with Sinara Group, BELAZ, Volvo Vostok, Test Machine Plant, IVEKO-AMT, Concern Tractor Plants, Liebherr-Russland and Scania-Rus.

The Gazprom delegation took part in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Indonesia.

Gazprom launched the German language version of the official website.

The Gazprom brand ranked first among the Best Russian Brands 2013.


Gazprom's IFRS results for the first six months of 2013 were issued.

The first joint of the Serbian section of the South Stream gas pipeline was welded.

Welding first joint of Serbian section of South Stream gas pipeline
Welding first joint of Serbian section of South Stream gas pipeline

Welding first joint of Serbian section of South Stream gas pipeline

Oleg Aksyutin, Head of the Gas Transportation, Underground Storage and Utilization Department was reelected as the Member of the Gazprom Management Committee.

The Gazprom Management Committee approved the 2014–2017 Targeted Upgrade and Overhaul Programs for Gas Distribution Stations.

The following documents were signed:

  • The Memorandum of Cooperation with SIBUR while constructing a gas processing plant and a gas chemical complex in Belogorsk, Amur Region;
  • The Agreement with PetroVietnam on setting up a natural gas for vehicles joint venture – PVGAZPROM Natural Gas for Vehicles;
  • The Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation with the Primorye Territory Administration while implementing the Vladivostok-LNG project;
  • The Cooperation Agreement for 2014 with the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area;
  • The Cooperation Agreement for 2014–2015 with the Leningrad Region Government;
  • The Agreement between Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo and Gazprom Gazenergoset regarding the installation of natural gas vehicle fueling units at Gazprom Gazenergoset’s filling stations.

Gazprom successfully placed two debut issues of exchange bonds (BO-19 and BO-20 series) with a 30-year maturity worth a total of RUB 30 billion at the MICEX Stock Exchange.

Literaturny Fakel, the publicistic and illustrated Almanac of Gazprom became the winner of the Serebryanye Niti 2013 contest in the Effective Use of Corporate Magazine in HR Management nomination.

Igor Krutikov was put in charge of Gazprom LNG Vladivostok.


Gazprom started producing oil from the Prirazlomnoye field.

Prirazlomnaya platform
Prirazlomnaya platform

Prirazlomnaya platform

Gazprom launched the commercial operation of the fifth power generating unit at the Hrazdan Thermal Power Plant (TPP) in Armenia.

The Gazprom Board of Directors approved the Investment Program, Budget and Cost Optimization Program for 2014.

The Company approved the 2014 Russian Regions Gasification Program.

The Gazprom shares were included in Moscow Exchange Quotation List A2.

The following documents were signed:

  • The Master Agreement to swap assets between Gazprom and Wintershall Holding;
  • The Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom and St. Petersburg authorities;
  • The Cooperation Agreements between Gazprom and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra authorities;
  • The contract for design and survey activities as well as spatial planning and environmental impact assessment for the Hungarian section of the South Stream gas pipeline between the South Stream Hungary Zrt joint project company and an international consortium of project companies.

Gazprom opened its representative office in Brussels (Belgium).

The Company awarded the Gazprom's 2013 Science and Technology Prize.

Alexey Miller chaired the 29th Meeting of the European Business Congress (EBC) Presiding Committee in Berlin.

Moscow hosted the 3rd Environmental Safety in Gas Industry International Conference.

The winners of the 3rd Energy of Victories nationwide contest among sports journalists were announced in Krasnaya Polyana (Krasnodar Territory).