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The Gazprom Management Committee endorsed the Company’s Informatization Strategy.
A special purpose entity, South Stream AG, was registered to carry out the marketing research and the feasibility study for the South Stream project.
Gazprom and OMV signed the Agreement of Cooperation.
The celebrations took place on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of sci-tech cooperation between Gazprom and Wintershall Holding. The parties signed the 2008–2010 Sci-Tech Cooperation Program.
Gazprom issued its consolidated interim condensed financial statements prepared under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the first nine months of 2007.
The Board of Directors resolved to convene the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom on June 27, 2008 in Moscow.
The following documents were signed:
- Shareholders Agreement among Gazprom, Total and StatoilHydro on establishing the special purpose company Shtokman Development AG to engineer, design, construct, finance and operate Phase 1 facilities intended for the Shtokman field development;
- Gazprom and state-owned Srbijagas signed the Agreement of Cooperation to implement a gas pipeline construction project for natural gas transit through the Republic of Serbia. The Agreement envisages creation of a joint venture to perform a feasibility study as well as construction and operation of a natural gas pipeline in Serbia with the annual throughput of at least 10 billion cubic meters as part of the South Stream gas pipeline system;
- Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Republic of Buryatia;
- Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and E.ON to jointly build and operate a gas-turbine power station near Lubmin (Germany).
Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg was recognized as one the best Russian companies within the 7th National Contest “Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency”.
Gazprom’s delegation paid a working visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran. During the visit, the parties agreed on joint development of two or three blocks in the South Pars gas field, as well as on Gazprom Neft’s participation in an oil production project in Iran.
Gazprom’s delegation paid a working visit to the Kyrgyz Republic. A ceremonial awarding of subsoil use licenses for Kyrgyzstan’s oil and gas prospects to Gazprom took place during the visit.
Gazprom’s delegation attended the celebrations dedicated to the commissioning of the gas pipeline in the Kolpashevo town (Tomsk Oblast) as well as in the celebrations on the occasion of the Botlikh settlement gasification (Republic of Dagestan).
The Board of Directors considered the issue of signing long-term agreements on gas supply to Russian consumers over 2008 to 2012 and approved the Development Strategy for the Company’s gas chemicals and gas processing facilities.
The following documents were signed:
- Agreement to develop relations in the gas sector between Gazprom and Naftogaz Ukrainy;
- Agreement on geological exploration in Bolivia (Sunchal, Azero and Carohuaicho blocks) between Gazprom and YPFB.
Gazprom’s delegation visited the Izhora Pipe Plant and took part in the celebrations dedicated to the launch of large-diameter pipes production for the Bovanenkovo – Ukhta gas trunkline construction.
The Gazprom headquarters hosted the annual meeting with the executive branch leadership of the Russian Federation constituents.
Football Club Zenit Saint Petersburg won its first Super Cup of Russia. Gazprom is the club’s general sponsor.
Dynamo-Tattransgaz men’s volleyball team won the European Champions League. Gazprom Transgaz Kazan is the general partner of Dynamo-Tattransgaz.
The following documents were signed:
- Memorandum of Cooperation between Gazprom and Libya’s National Oil Corporation;
- Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and Libya Africa Investment Portfolio;
- Agreement on Strategic Partnership between Gazprom and Siemens;

Alexey Miller, Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee and Peter Loescher, Chairman of Siemens Managing Board signing Agreement on Strategic Partnership
- Agreement of Cooperation in 2008 between Gazprom and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug;
- Agreement of Cooperation in the underground gas storage sector between Gazprom and VNG;
- Sci-Tech Cooperation Program between Gazprom and Gasunie for 2008–2009.
The Gazprom headquarters hosted the annual meeting with the leaders of representations of the Russian Federation constituents under the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.
China hosted the Arts Festival of Gazprom and China National Petroleum Corporation.
Gazprom’s representatives took part in the celebrations dedicated to the 40th anniversary of Russian natural gas supplies to Austria
Gazprom invest Vostok was named the customer of Gazprom’s investment projects within the Development Program for an integrated gas production, transportation and supply system in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, taking into account potential gas exports to China and other Asia-Pacific countries.
The Gazprom headquarters hosted the Workshop Conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Gazprom Arbitration Court
Georgy Fokin was appointed Director General of Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg.
The Board of Directors agreed on the increase in the authorized capital of Gazprom Pererabotka and on the acquisition by this company of a 50.000008 per cent stake in Salavatnefteorgsintez from Gazfond Non-State Pension Fund.
Gazprom and PetroVietnam signed the Agreement of Further Cooperation.
TsentrCaspneftegaz, a joint venture of Gazprom and LUKOIL, discovered a large oil, gas and condensate field within the Tsentralnaya structure in the Caspian Sea.
As part of the preparations for the Bovanenkovo field development on the Yamal Peninsula, Gazprom completed the main construction stage of the bridge crossing over the Yuribey River floodplain. The crossing was to become part of the Obskaya – Bovanenkovo railroad.
Gazprom’s delegation took part in the celebrations dedicated to the 145th anniversary of Vladimir Vernadsky.
Gazprom was rewarded with the Heritage of Generations Prize for the Russian archaeological sites protection in the nomination “For Great Contribution to Activities Aimed at Archaeological Heritage Objects Protection”.
Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg was announced the winner and received the Engineering Glory Order in the sci-tech competition among enterprises and creative specialists held by the Presidium of Russia’s Supreme Engineering Council and Russian Engineering Academy.
Nikolai Dubik was appointed Head of the Gazprom Legal Department.
Alexey Zavgorodnev was appointed Director General of Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol.
Moscow hosted the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom. The Company’s Board of Directors named Viktor Zubkov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee as its Chairman and Deputy Chairman respectively.
Gazprom issued its audited consolidated financial statements for 2007.
The following documents were signed:
- Accord on Gasification between Gazprom and Yakutia;
- Sakhalin II project loan documentation worth USD 5.3 billion in total. The Japan Bank for International Cooperation acted as the project’s major creditor financing USD 3.7 billion;
- Accord on Gasification between Gazprom and the Republic of Buryatia;
- Agreement on the general principles of geological survey at oil and gas prospects of the Republic of Tajikistan between Gazprom and the Republic of Tajikistan;
- Memorandum of Understanding to extend the gas supply contract between Gazprom Export and WIEH for another 35 years to 2043;
- Sci-Tech Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom and Verbundnetz Gas.
Mosenergo brought another combined-cycle gas turbine unit to the design capacity.
Gazprom’s delegation took part in the 13th Annual Conference of the Gas Center of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, in the 12th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, in the 11th European Business Congress, in the celebrations dedicated to the 35th anniversary of Russian natural gas supplies to Germany.
Algeria hosted the ceremony of opening Gazprom’s official representative office to be the first one on the African Continent.
Alexander Mandel was elected as Director General of Sevmorneftegaz.
Dutch Gasunie became a shareholder of Nord Stream AG.
Denis Fyodorov, Head of the Directorate for Power Sector Development and Marketing in Power Generation under Gazprom’s Department for Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons Marketing and Processing was elected Chairman of the OGK-6 Board of Directors.
Denis Fyodorov, Head of the Directorate for Power Sector Development and Marketing in Power Generation under Gazprom’s Department for Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons Marketing and Processing was elected Chairman of the OGK-6 Board of Directors.
The OGK-6 Board of Directors approved Alexey Mityushov as the company’s Director General.
Gazprom became the fourth in the list of 500 world’s top companies in terms of market capitalization, as featured by the Financial Times based on the 2007 operating results.
Gazprom was included in the 2008 list of the world’s most reputable companies published in the report by the US Reputation Institute.
The Gazprom Board of Directors approved the Company’s updated Investment Program and Budget (Financial Plan) for 2008, approved the purchase of the Sakhalin – Komsomolsk – Khabarovsk gas pipeline and formed the Audit Committee under the Gazprom Board of Directors.
Gazprom and the Kyrgyz Republic Government approved the Stepwise Program for the geological survey of subsurface resources in Kyrgyzstan.
The following documents were signed:
- Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and the National Iranian Oil Company;
- Agreement on interaction regarding gas supply to the Far Eastern Federal Okrug’s regions between Gazprom and Rosneft;
- Agreement on evaluation and certification of Ayacucho-3 block reserves in the Orinoco Oil Belt between Gazprom and PdVSA;
- Agreements on the pricing principles for the Turkmen gas and on Gazprom’s participation in natural gas investment projects in Turkmenistan.
As part of the business trip by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to the Republic of Azerbaijan, Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee took part in the extended meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilkham Aliev. The parties reached agreements on arranging Russian and Azerbaijani gas swap (exchange) transactions and launching commercial talks in relation to Azerbaijan’s natural gas purchase by Gazprom under a long-term contract.
Gazprom and Wintershall commenced gas production from the Achimov deposits of the Urengoy field.
Construction of the first drilling platform for the Shtokman field was initiated in Vyborg.
The Best Environmental Service of Gazprom title was awarded to the environmental service of Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta.
Gazprom became the leader among the world’s largest energy companies according to the earnings indices for 2007 published by the Fortune magazine.
The Gazprom Board of Directors agreed on an increase in the authorized capital of Gazoenergeticheskaya Kompaniya (GEK) by contributing Gazprom’s 53.47 per cent stake in Mosenergo and 28.7 per cent stake in TGC-1, as well as on the acquisition of a 17.7 per cent stake in TGC-1 by GEK.
Gazprom and the Penza Oblast signed the five-year Accord on Gasification.
Gazprom started construction of the most complicated section of the Bovanenkovo – Ukhta gas trunkline system, a submerged crossing via the Baidarata Bay.
Football Club Zenit Saint Petersburg won the UEFA Super Cup. Gazprom is the general sponsor of the club.
The Gazprom Management Committee approved the Environmental Policy and the list of top-priority environmental measures until 2010.
The following documents were signed:
- Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation;
- Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation;
- Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation;
- trilateral Memorandum among Gazprom, YPFB and Total E&P Bolivia stipulating joint assessment of the Azero block;
- Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and Kogas;
- Investment Contract between Mezhregionenergostroy (member of Mezhregiongaz Group) and INTER RAO UES aimed at triggering execution of the investment project on the Kaliningrad CHPP-2 expansion via construction of the second 450 MW power unit;
- 2008 Synchronization Schedule for gasification facilities construction in the Kaliningrad Oblast.
Gazprom’s delegation took part in the 3rd Far Eastern International Economic Forum under the motto “Strategy 2020: Regional Dimension”.
The Zekhnovo AGDS – Ostashkov inter-settlement gas pipeline was put onstream in the Tver Oblast.
Novocherkassk hosted a ceremonial opening of a memorial bust of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the founder and the first leader of the USSR Gas Industry Ministry – Alexey Kortunov.
The unprecedented motor rally from Saint Petersburg to Moscow initiated by Gazprom, VNIIGAZ and the Russian National Gas Vehicle Association took place. Participating in the rally were Russian and foreign natural gas-driven cars.
Gazprom issued its unaudited consolidated interim condensed financial statements for the first quarter of 2008.
The following documents were signed:
- Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and the Kyrgyz Republic Government;
- Memorandum of Understanding to set up a joint venture between Gazprom and E.ON Ruhrgas;
- Agreements on sci-tech cooperation and interaction in staff training and development between Gazprom and CNPC;
- Agreement to jointly develop the Yuzhno-Russkoye oil and gas field between Gazprom and E.ON;
- 30-year Oil and Gas Contract for blocks No. 129, 130, 131, 132 on the continental shelf between Gazprom and the Republic of Vietnam.
The Gazprom Board of Directors made a decision to establish the Company’s representative office in Brazil.
Gazprom’s delegation visited the city of Anchorage (Alaska, USA).
A meeting of delegations from Gazprom, Iran and Qatar took place. This was the first joint high-profile meeting of the gas production sector representatives from the three countries holding in aggregate around 60 per cent of the global gas reserves.
Sergey Menshikov was appointed Director General of Gazprom Dobycha Nadym, a subsidiary of Gazprom.
Oleg Aksyutin was appointed Head of the Gas Transportation, Underground Storage and Utilization Department.
Vlada Rusakova, Head of the Strategic Development Department was elected Member of the Gazprom Management Committee for a five-year period.
Gazprom’s delegation took part in the celebrations marking the 35th anniversary of Russian gas supplies to Germany within the cooperation with E.ON Ruhrgas.
КThe personnel service of Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg won the 4th national competition “The Best Russian Personnel Service”.
Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy became the laureate of the National Ecology Award 2008.
Gazprom was among the top 10 of 250 most efficient energy companies of the world as ranked on the Platts Top 250 Global Energy Companies List.
Gazprom was found the most attractive Russian employer according to the Russian Public Opinion Research Center.
The following documents were signed:
- Agreement on joint examination of the Ayacucho-3 block in the Orinoco Oil Belt between Gazprom and PdVSA;
- Gazprom and Schlumberger signed the Agreement on developing technological cooperation;
- Order prescribing to establish Gazprom’s representative offices in the Republics of Kazakhstan and Latvia.
Gazprom started to drill the first prospecting well in Venezuela.
The first block of the Achimov deposits in the Urengoy oil, gas and condensate field was brought into pilot operation.
The Barnaul – Biysk – Gorno-Altaisk gas pipeline with a branch to Belokurikha was commissioned.
Gazprom’s delegation took part in the 1st Ministerial Gas Forum.
Gazprom was the only Russian company listed on the international rating of enterprises and organizations with largest R&D budgets according to the research of the global innovations and development market carried out by the international company Booz & Co.
The Gazprom Management Committee awarded the 2008 Industry Prizes.
Oleg Aksyutin was elected Member of the Management Committee for a five-year period.
Gazprom issued its consolidated interim condensed financial statements prepared under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the first nine months of 2008.
The following documents were signed:
- Letter of Intent between Gazprom and the Kingdom of Bahrain confirming the joint aspiration to explore the new possibilities for the bilateral relations;
- Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and the Republic of Komi for the term of the Bovanenkovo – Ukhta gas trunkline system construction between 2009 and 2012;
- six-year General Agreement of Cooperation between Gazprom and Rosatom State Nuclear Power Corporation;
- Agreement of Cooperation and Accord on Cooperation for 2009 between Gazprom and Saint Petersburg;
- fundamental documents between Gazprom and Serbia defining cooperation in the energy sector;
- Contract for the supply of gas compressor units for the Nord Stream project between Gazprom Komplektatsiya and Rolls-Royce.
The Yamal megaproject was launched.
Construction of the Bovanenkovo – Ukhta gas trunkline system was launched.
Drilling of the first production well was initiated at the Bovanenkovo field.
The Omskaya compressor station was put onstream.
A new combined-cycle gas turbine unit No. 4 (CCGT-450T) was commissioned at Mosenergo’s CHPP-27.
Gazprom’s delegation visited the Republic of Turkmenistan.
Gazprom’s delegation participated in the celebrations commemorating the 25th anniversary of the third contract signing for Russian gas supply to France as part of cooperation with GDF SUEZ as well as in the 7th Ministerial Meeting of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF).
Gazprom was announced the winner of the hydrocarbon exploration and development tender for the onshore El Assel Perimeter located in the Berkine Basin of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria.
Mikhail Sereda was elected Chairman of the Audit Committee under the Gazprom Board of Directors.
Burckhard Bergmann and Farit Gazizullin were elected Members of the Audit Committee under the Gazprom Board of Directors.
Elena Kasyan was named Head of the Company’s Personnel Management Department.
Bogdan Budzulyak, a well-known personality of the domestic gas industry, a former Member of the Gazprom Management Committee was awarded the badge of the Honorary Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry by the Russian Federation President Dmitry Medvedev in the Kremlin.
Bogdan Budzulyak, a well-known personality of the domestic gas industry, a former Member of the Gazprom Management Committee was awarded the badge of the Honorary Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry by the Russian Federation President Dmitry Medvedev in the Kremlin.
Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg became the winner of the Best Ecological Project of the Year prize by the Natural Resources Ministry in the Environmental Protection Technologies nomination.