
The following documents were signed:

  • the five-year Gasification Accord for the Vologda Region;
  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration;
  • the Memorandum of Understanding with Petroleos de Venezuela.
Alexey Miller, Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee, Ali Rodriguez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Rafael Ramirez, President of Pertoleos de Venezuela, Sergey Bogdanchikov, President of Rosneft, Vladimir Bogdanov, Director General of Surgutneftegaz

Alexey Miller, Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee, Ali Rodriguez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Rafael Ramirez, President of Pertoleos de Venezuela, Sergey Bogdanchikov, President of Rosneft, Vladimir Bogdanov, Director General of Surgutneftegaz

The Executive Board of the Gas Centre (as part of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) resolved that starting from 2006 the UNECE Gas Centre would be chaired by Gazprom’s representative.


The Board of Directors resolved to convene Gazprom’s annual General Shareholders Meeting on June 24, 2005 in Moscow.

The following documents were signed:

  • the contracts with Uztransgaz to convey Central Asian gas via the Republic of Uzbekistan and to purchase Uzbek gas;
  • the Agreement with Gasum (Finland) to extend the Prime Contract for Russian natural gas exports to Finland through to December 31, 2025;
  • the Protocol stipulating the main lines of joint activities with Kazakh partners and fixing the terms of Central Asian gas transit via Kazakhstan in 2005;
  • the Memorandum of Understanding between Gazprom and ONGC Group (India);
  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Yaroslavl Region Administration.

Gazprom placed A4 corporate bonds worth RUB 5 billion, with the face value of RUB 1,000 and a circulation period of 5 years.

The meeting of the Board of Directors approved the Regulation on Information Disclosure at Gazprom.


The following documents were signed:

  • the Directive to establish the Investment and Construction Department within the Company’s Administration;
  • the Strategic Partnership Agreement with Siemens;
  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Novgorod Region Administration;
  • the Cooperation Agreement with the Pskov Region Administration;
  • the Memorandum for cooperation development with EGAS (Egypt);
  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Kaliningrad Region Administration;
  • the Cooperation Agreement with the Leningrad Region Administration for 2005;
  • the General Agreement on Strategic Partnership over 2005 to 2014 with LUKOIL.


The following documents were signed:

  • the Memorandum of Understanding with BASF;
  • the Memorandum of Understanding with Sempra Energy;
  • the Sci-Tech Cooperation Agreement over 2005 to 2008 with the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Government of the Republic of Karelia.

Ferenc Gyurcsany, Prime Minister of the Hungarian Republic awarded Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee with the Order of the Hungarian Republic Cross, II Class.

Gazpromavia celebrated its 10th anniversary.


The following documents were signed:

  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Komi Republic;
  • the Cooperation Accord with the Komi Republic over 2005 to 2007;
  • the Contract to construct and use an underground gas storage (UGS) facility in the Haidach field (Salzburg, Upper Austria) (among Gazexport, RAG and Wingas);
  • the long-term Agreement with OMV on natural gas supplies to Western Europe via the West-Austria-Gasleitung (WAG) gas pipeline (for a twenty-year term);
  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Penza Region Administration;
  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Bryansk Region Administration.

Gazprom acquired a 100 per cent stake in Irkutskgazprom from Vostokgazprom.

The Board of Directors approved the date of Gazprom’s annual General Shareholders Meeting (June 24, 2005) and agreed on acquisition of a 50 per cent stake in North Transgas Oy from Fortum Heat and Gas Oy by Gazprom.


The following documents were signed:

  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Ryazan Region Administration;
  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Mari El Republic Government;
  • the five-year Gasification Accord for the Kalmyk Republic;
  • the Memorandum of Understanding with Statoil and Hydro (Norway);
  • the Cooperation Agreement with the Vologda Region Government for 2005 to 2006;
  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Lipetsk Region Administration;
  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Novosibirsk Region Administration;
  • the Gasification Accord for the Novosibirsk Region;
  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement with the Tula Region Administration;
  • the legally binding Agreement with Urengoygazprom and Nortgaz shareholders stipulating the transfer of a 51 per cent stake in Nortgaz to Urengoygazprom by Nortgaz shareholders, the mutual settling of all legal and other controversies between the parties, joint management of Nortgaz with a view to enhance its market capitalization;
  • the legally binding Agreement with Urengoygazprom and Nortgaz shareholders stipulating the transfer of a 51 per cent stake in Nortgaz to Urengoygazprom by Nortgaz shareholders, the mutual settling of all legal and other controversies between the parties, joint management of Nortgaz with a view to enhance its market capitalization;
Signing of Agreement between Gazprom and Nortgaz

Signing of Agreement between Gazprom and Nortgaz

Gazprom issued the 2004 audited consolidated financial (accounting) statements filed under the Russian Accounting Standards.

The purchase and sales deals were effected among Rosneftegaz and Gazrprom’s subsidiaries (Gazprombank, Gazprominvestholding, Gazfond, Gazpromfinance) for 2,542,500,000 shares of Gazprom (10.7399 per cent of the Company’s authorized capital).

Gazprom’s annual General Shareholders Meeting was held. After the meeting the Company’s newly elected Board of Directors resolved to elect Dmitry Medvedev, Head of the Russian Federation President Administration as Chairman of the Gazprom Board of Directors. Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee was named as Deputy Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors.


The following documents were signed:

Gazprom issued the 2004 audited consolidated financial (accounting) statements filed under the International Financial Reporting Standards.

The ceremonies were held:

  • dedicated to the commissioning of the Ciechanow and Szamotuly compressor stations at the Polish section of the Yamal – Europe gas trunkline;
  • dedicated to the commissioning of the Kotelnikovskaya and Olkhovskaya compressor stations at the Pochinki – Izobilnoye – Severo-Stavropolskoye UGS gas trunkline;
  • dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Tattransgaz (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom).


The five-year Cooperation Agreement was signed with the Udmurt Republic Government.

Gazprom placed A6 corporate bonds worth RUB 5 billion, with the face value of RUB 1,000 and a circulation period of 4 years.


The following documents were signed:

  • the Order to shift over to executing the investment stage of the North European Gas Pipeline (NEGP) project;
  • the Protocol with Gaz de France outlining topics and top priority activities aimed at promotion of the bilateral relations;
  • the mid-term Agreement on natural gas transmission via the Republic of Uzbekistan (from 2006 to 2010);
  • the five-year Agreement with the Ryazan Region Administration to convert motor vehicles and agricultural equipment to natural gas;
  • the legally binding documents for the purchase of a 72.663 percent stake in Sibneft (from Millhouse Capital);
  • the In-Principle Agreement on the construction of the North European Gas Pipeline (with BASF and E.ON).
Singing of In-Principle Agreement on North European Gas Pipeline (NEGP) construction among Gazprom, BASF and E.ON

Singing of In-Principle Agreement on North European Gas Pipeline (NEGP) construction among Gazprom, BASF and E.ON

A ceremony was held on the occasion of the first carrier arrival with Gazprom’s LNG to be supplied to the US market.

Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee endorsed a short-list of companies – potential partners of Gazprom in executing the first phase of the Shtokman gas and condensate field development project, including the liquefied natural gas plant construction.


The following documents were signed:

  • the Memorandum of Understanding with the Pakistan Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources;
  • the Cooperation Agreement with the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania.

The Government of Venezuela granted Gazprom with subsurface use licenses for Urumaco 1 and Urumaco 2 investment blocks. The licenses for exploration and development of natural gas fields were issued for a 30-year term.

The Gazprom Board of Directors approved Gazprom’s purchase of two stock holdings in Sibneft.


The following documents were signed:

  • the five-year Cooperation Agreement between Gazprom and the Murmansk Region Administration;
  • the package of mid-term contracts for Russian and Central Asian natural gas transmission via Kazakhstan from 2006 to 2010;
  • the gasification Accord between Gazprom and the Government of the Republic of Dagestan;
  • the Strategic Partnership Agreement with the USSR Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank) and PTT Public Company Limited (Thailand);
  • the Framework Agreement of Cooperation with the Natural Resources and Energy Agency under the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry of Japan;
  • the Agreement with Gaz de France to swap pipeline gas to LNG;
  • the Cooperation Agreement with the Russian Federation Navy.

The following facilities were put onstream:

  • Phase 1 of the Beregovaya compressor station at the Blue Stream gas pipeline;
  • the Krupskaya and Slonimskaya compressor stations at the Belarusian section of the Yamal – Europe gas pipeline;
  • Phase 1 of the Krasnoznamenskaya compressor station.

A new international business model was elaborated at Gazprom. Due to the model reformation, the International Business Department was set up within the Gazprom Administration to replace the dissolved Foreign Relations Department.

The corporate Gazprom Magazine won the Silver Camertone National Award in the Best Corporate Periodical nomination.


The following documents were signed:

  • the Cooperation Agreement with the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area – Yugra;
  • the Cooperation Agreement with the Primorye Territory Administration;
  • the Cooperation Agreement with the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area;
  • the Gasification Accord for the Irkutsk Region;
  • the Contract to design a UGS facility in the oil deposit of the Zhen-11 dome in China.

The following facilities were brought onstream:

  • the Kaunas – Sakiai gas trunkline loop; the reconstruction of the Sakiai gas metering section was completed;
  • the Uglich – Kalyazin gas pipeline;

The presentations were organized for:

  • the Irkutsk Region General Gas Supply and Gasification Scheme;
  • Gazprom’s Automated Electricity Metering System (AEMS);

The first joint of the Russian onshore section of the North European Gas Pipeline was welded.

Start of North European Gas Pipeline construction

Start of North European Gas Pipeline construction

Gazprom became the winner of the Excellent Reputation National Award.

The Standard and Poor’s rating agency acknowledged Gazprom as the most transparent Russian company.

Gazprom won the Brand of the Year Award in the Corporations and Organizations nomination.

Gazexport became the winner of the Global Energy Awards in the Best Downstream Business of the Year nomination.