
Gazprom won the bidding for developing the gas field in India offshore the Bay of Bengal.

Gazprom and Wintershall (part of BASF Group) signed a Sci-Tech Cooperation Agreement on telecommunications, computer equipment and information for 2000.


The foundation conference of Gazprom's Neftegazstroyprofsoyuz Interregional Trade Union (ITU) of the Russian Federation was held. The conference approved the ITU Charter and the Provision on the Audit Commission. The ITU Council was elected as a governing body consisting of 53 members.

The first joint of the Blue Stream gas pipeline was welded.

Welding first joint of Blues Stream gas pipeline
Welding first joint of Blues Stream gas pipeline

Welding first joint of Blues Stream gas pipeline


Gazprom and E.ON Ruhrgas signed a Sci-tech Cooperation Agreement for 2000.


The Gazprom headquarters in Moscow hosted a meeting between Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation and Gazprom's top managers.

Gazprom and the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences held a joint meeting dedicated to establishing a foundation for innovative technologies and to speeding up the retrofit of the gas industry.


The following documents were signed:

  • the General Agreement on Cooperation between Gazprom and InterRos;
  • the Memorandum of Cooperation on developing the Prirazlomnoye field in the Barents Sea between Gazprom and Wintershall.
Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform in Pechora Sea
Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform in Pechora Sea

Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform in Pechora Sea

The regular Gazprom annual General Shareholders Meeting was held. The number of votes of the shareholders who took part in the Meeting personally, through their trustees or through sending their ballots to the Counting Board made up 90.75 per cent. The Meeting approved the decisions related to the Blue Stream project financing.


The setting up of the Caspian Oil Company was announced. The constituent documents were signed by Gazprom, YUKOS and LUKOIL. The Caspian Oil Company was set up to provide prospecting, exploration and development of oil and gas fields in the Caspian Basin.

In summer 2000 intense exploration was conducted offshore the Kara Sea in the Ob Bay, revealing considerable natural gas reserves in this region (1 to 3 trillion cubic meters).


Gazprom, Gaz de France, SNAM, Wintershall and Ruhrgas signed an Agreement for establishing a consortium to construct an interconnector gas pipeline from Poland to Slovakia.


At the ITU conference the authorized representatives of the Gazprom Interregional Trade Union and Gazprom's top managers entered into a Tariff Agreement for 2001 to 2003.


The Yubileynoye gas field was fully commissioned (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area).

Ostafyevo, Moscow Region hosted the opening of the modern Gazprom airport. Gazpromavia launched regular flights to Yamal and other regions. The airport may also be used by other air companies.