Gazprom and Eni signed the Memorandum of Understanding to jointly implement the Blue Stream project.
The annual General Shareholders Meeting took place in Gazprom. The Company reviewed its five-year operating results. Gazprom succeeded to maintain the achieved high level of gas production, ensure a growth in natural gas output and higher rates of gas and liquid hydrocarbons processing. 11 Members were elected to the Board of Directors by the majority of shareholders’ votes. The Meeting approved the proposals of the Board of Directors to introduce a number of changes into Gazprom’s Charter.
Gazprom held the extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting to make certain changes in the membership of the Board of Directors.
The first section of the Yamal – Europe gas pipeline in Belarus (from the Nesvizhskaya compressor station to the Polish border), the whole linear section of the gas pipeline in Poland as well as the Kondratki and Wloclawek compressor stations were put onstream. In Germany the pipeline section from the Mallnow compressor station to Ruekersdorf (STEGAL gas pipeline) was commissioned. Once new gas pipeline sections were commissioned, gas export from Russia amounted to nearly 14 billion cubic meters in 2000.
Gazexport and Gasunie signed the contract for Russian natural gas supplies to the Netherlands.