Gazprom and Neste signed a protocol to set up a joint venture for the North European Gas Pipeline construction.
Gazprom approved the Concept of Sci-Tech Policy until 2015. The Concept includes the following key provisions: prospects for sci-tech progress, activities aimed at creating new equipment and technologies, scientific potential development, staffing, conversion activity, role of international sci-tech cooperation, principles of managing the sci-tech development, etc.
A Presidential Decree was issued, according to which Gazprom launched a restructuring process to create a favorable environment for the investment inflow, ensure self-financing of the gas industry and develop more flexible state regulation aimed at providing reliable gas supplies.
RAO Gazprom held its annual General Shareholders Meeting. The Meeting approved the Company’s Board of Directors consisting of 11 members. The discussion was centered on improving the mechanism of state participation in the Company’s business, the program of measures to develop the Russian natural gas market and the feedstock export strategy.
A big contract was signed for exploration of several areas of the South Pars field in the Persian Gulf. Total (France) and Petronas (Malaysia) will take part in the project together with Gazprom.
Gazprom and the Royal Dutch Shell group of companies signed the Strategic Alliance Agreement.
An intergovernmental agreement on Russian gas supplies to Turkey via the gas pipeline running under the Black Sea was signed. It was a start-up point for the Blue Stream international project.
Bonn (Germany) hosted the constituent conference of the European Business Congress (EBC). The Congress united several dozens of major companies, banks and OSCE organizations with a view to promote the economic cooperation of OSCE member countries and economic development of the European region, create conditions for a dialogue of politicians and businessmen. Rem Vyakhirev, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee was elected as the EBC President.